Sunday, September 26, 2010

Economic capital by risk type

We have developed ‘economic capital’ as a consistent and comparable measure of risk across all risk types and geographies at Fortis. It serves as an indicator of Value at Risk (VaR) to a confidence interval of 99.97% and with a horizon of one year, which represents extreme events. The methodology is refined and improved on an ongoing basis.
The economic capital is calculated separately for each risk type per business. We then determine the total economic capital at business level, at banking/insurance level and for Fortis as a whole. The figures obtained in this way are used for a range of internal monitoring and management purposes.
Since it is extremely unlikely that all risks will become reality at the same moment, an allowance is made for diversification benefits when adding up the individual risks. The result is a total economic capital figure at company level that is significantly lower than the sum of the individual risks.
In addition to this more general diversification, Fortis benefits from a netting effect across bank and insurance interest-rate risk due to the fundamental balance sheet differences between our banking and our insurance operations.


The graph represents the contribution of each risk to our total diversified economic capital. Consequently, risks such as ‘insurance risk’ contribute very little to the overall amount because they only correlate weakly with the other risks.

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